Guy Cameron

PhD, Bbiomedsci(hons), Bmedsci

WIPCE conference 2022

September 26, 2022

I was so lucky to be present for the 12th World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education (WIPCE) was held at Tarndanya in South Australia, the heart of Kaurna country over 5 days. The Kaurna people are the original inhabitants of Adelaide and the Adelaide Plains.

The conference featured an Indigenous education program of keynote presentations, networking, interactive workshops, yarning circles, master classes, and a rich cultural program. The WIPCE conference attracted Indigenous education experts, practitioners, scholars, students, and communities from all over the world, making it the largest and most diverse Indigenous education forum globally. Over more than 30 years, WIPCE has grown to become a major international event in the Indigenous education movement.

See below for images and a video from the first and final day!